Your profile content can be formatted in various ways using 'BB Code'. The same code can be used if editing The Times. This page gives you a quick reference to each type of code which can be used.
Bold text
[b]Your text here[/b]
Results in bold text.
Underlined text
[u]Your text here[/u]
Results in underlined text.
Strikethrough text
[s]Your text here[/s]
Results in strikethrough text.
Text size
[size=24]Your text here[/size]
Results in bigger text.
You can use any number instead of 24. The size is in pixels.
Coloured text
[color=red]Your text here[/color]
Results in red text.
You can use any supported colour name or a "hex value" (format like so: #FFFFFF) in place of "red".
The following external website can help with picking a colour code:
Centered text
[center]Your content here[/center]
The content will be centered within your profile or post.
You can add images using the button on the screen. This will insert a code which must be kept in place (but can be moved around), looking similar to the following: [imgupload]abcdef-123456-abcdef[/imgupload]
YouTube videos
You can place any YouTube video URL within the [youtube] tags to have that video display.