Mentoring is an action between two players, it occurs by one player mentoring another player. The recipient of the mentoring session gains level points, which helps the recipient progress through the levels more quickly. As being mentored is beneficial to the recipient, it's common for mentoring to be sold. Alternatively players often trade mentoring or mentor their friends and family for free.
How it works
To mentor someone, simply enter their name and click the Mentor button. The recipient will gain some level points and receive an alert to inform them of this, including your name. The amount of level points received by the recipient can vary but increases as the sender's level increases.
If you don't want to receive mentoring from random people (for example if you want to level at your own pace to concentrate on stocking bullets), there's an option on the Settings screen to only accept mentoring from friends.
By default, free mentoring is automatically accepted but some recipients may have this option disabled in their Settings and will therefore need to accept your mentoring first.
Charging for mentoring
It's common for players to sell mentoring to each other. This is done on a "fee per point" basis, meaning the recipient pays a certain amount of money for each level point received. For example if someone advertises mentoring at $10kpp, this means $10,000 ($10k) per level point (pp).
After you've agreed a price with someone, just enter their name into the mentoring screen as normal but specify the fee per point. The recipient will then be offered your mentoring and will have to pay to receive it, you will receive an alert confirming if they accept your mentoring. If the person doesn't accept your mentoring, you can always cancel the session from the mentoring screen and mentor someone else instead.
Mentoring from a prestige gangster includes bullets. The amount of bullets is based on their prestige level number, 100 bullets per level (e.g. Prestige 1: 100 Bullets, Prestige 2: 200 Bullets, etc).
Wait timer
The timer for mentoring someone is 4 hours from the time the recipient accepts your mentoring.
The following accolades can be earned through this feature:
- Bronze: Mentor other gangsters for a total of 100 level points.
- Silver: Mentor other gangsters for a total of 1,000 level points.
- Gold: Mentor other gangsters for a total of 2,500 level points.