Small Crimes

Gangster Nation Guide

Small Crimes are often one of the first activities you encounter when starting your journey in Gangster Nation. These tasks have short timers and smaller payouts, making them ideal for quickly earning level points. To attempt a Small Crime, simply click on one of the crime options. You’ll either succeed and earn some money or fail—but either way, you gain valuable level points.


The earnings and level points for each Small Crime vary. Refer to the table for more details on what you can gain from each crime.

Crime Earnings Level points
1 $50 1
2 $100 1
3 $150 1
4 $200 1
5 $250 1
6 $300 1-2
7 $350 1-2
8 $400 1-2
9 $450 1-2
10 $500 1-2


Your Small Crimes rank is determined by the total amount of money you’ve earned from completing these tasks.


The following accolades can be earned through this feature: