22nd March 2024


Hideout: It's no longer possible to receive gifts or be mentored while in hideout.

22nd March 2024


Airport: The timer reset option is now limited to being used once per 5 minutes, which closes the "spam flying" Detectives loophole.

22nd March 2024


Accolades: The "Bank Job" accolade has been replaced with the "Looting Legend" accolade. The "Heist Master" accolade has been changed to involve any type of heist, since heists have now been combined into a single crime.

22nd March 2024


Contests: The Daily Contest now has a Looting variant.

22nd March 2024


New seasonal event: Easter. During this event over the Easter period, there will be a special vehicle (Bunny Buggy), a contest to steal this vehicle, lootable Easter Eggs and the option to exchange those Easter Eggs in the Black Market for half timer perks.

25th March 2024

Bug Fix

Auction House: Fixed issue searching for perks.

25th March 2024

Bug Fix

Heists: Fixed issue with members joining public heists not being added to the message group.

25th March 2024


Hustle Coins, Prestige Coins and Prison Bribes have been moved into your Inventory.

25th March 2024


Inventory: Added "Pinned" switch to items which keeps selected items at the top of your inventory.

26th March 2024


Inventory: Added "Locked" switch to items which prevents the accidental sale or discarding of selected items.

29th March 2024


Horse Racing: You can no longer place bets while in prison, inline with other casino features.

30th March 2024

Bug Fix

Messages: Fixed issue with the wrong custom text colour being applied.

1st April 2024

Bug Fix

Messages: Fixed issue where conversation remains in conversation list after being deleted.

2nd April 2024

Bug Fix

Heists: The "Public" tab now only shows heists with available positions.

6th April 2024

Bug Fix

Perks: Fixed issue causing an error message to appear when activating Family Double XP.

22nd April 2024


Small Crimes: Any tasks with an insured chance are now unlocked, even if the previous task's chance is below 100%.

22nd April 2024


Credit Store: It's no longer possible to purchase more credits (with real currency) while your balance is over 500.

24th April 2024

Bug Fix

Trade Limits: Fixed issue causing auctioned perks to not be counted towards Trade Limit.

11th May 2024


RPS: Bullet deposits are now disabled while RPS Bullets is blocked to prevent mistaken deposits.

12th May 2024

Bug Fix

RPS: Fixed issue with bullets balance not updating immediately after depositing or withdrawing bullets.

14th May 2024


Events: Added "Looting Spree" weekend event.

17th May 2024


Drug Dealing: The drug price mechanism has been tweaked and is no longer tied to drug sales, resulting in drug prices being less erratic and more inline with target prices. This makes it easier to identify a good city to sell in and addresses two common complaints, firstly that drug prices can become too low and secondly that drug surges are over too quickly.

17th May 2024


Drug Dealing: Added "Personal Drug Stats" to the Statistics tab which details your total units sold, total money earned and average price per unit for each drug.

17th May 2024


Drug Dealing: Added icons next to each price to indicate whether the price is trending upwards, trending downwards, or part of a surge.

5th June 2024


Drug Dealing: Added the option to sell 25 or 100 units at once.