Shooting: Fixed issue causing the wrong amount of bullets to be shown in the "Your Kills" area of the Statistics tab when the Backfire Cap is applied.
28th March 2025
Auction House: You can now click the name of a perk in the Auction House to see the perk's description.
27th March 2025
Messages: Removing a participant from a message group now results in an alert being sent out including the name of the person who removed the participant.
Vehicle Theft: Fixed issue where window wouldn't open when pressing a vehicle name on the Vehicle Log tab.
21st March 2025
Inventory: The Certified Gangster feature to have pinned items highlighted in Looting now has its own item setting, allowing items to be highlighted without needing to be pinned. For now, pinned items will continue to be highlighted but in future only items with the "Highlight" option enabled will be highlighted.
15th March 2025
Find Gangsters: The "Round" filter now has the option to search all rounds.
15th March 2025
Your Garage: When a vehicle is insured, it's name is now shown in green to better higlight whether a vehicle is insured.
7th March 2025
Shooting: The Backfire tab now shows up to 10 backfire amounts in the "Active Backfire" area.
1st March 2025
Game Guide: Refreshed interface for easier readability, added dark mode and made numerous content improvements.
10th February 2025
Slot Machine: The jackpot now always pays out 25x your bet should the current jackpot be less than this amount.
10th February 2025
Heists: Reduced the damage applied to vehicles during a failed Bank Robbery or Delivery Heist from 25%-150%, to 25%-125%.
Event schedule: Changed Week 4 from Looting Spree to Bullet Rush; Week 5 from Bullet Rush to Motor Madness; Week 6 from Motor Madness to Crush Rush; and added Looting Spree at Week 2. You can check the full event schedule on the Welcome screen or on the Events page in the Game Guide.
2nd February 2025
Vehicles: The modding interface has been refreshed. The updated interface includes mod groups to help identify the mods needed for a particular purposes, such as increasing your crush yield or performance.
The optimal mod combination for the "Pimp My Ride" mission has been tweaked, primarily to remove the requirement for Nitro. The target combination is now: Body Kit, Chrome Spinners, Exhaust Flamethrower, Neon Underglow, Racing Decals, Spoiler, Subwoofer, Vanity Plates, Vinyl Wrap, Window Tints.
1st February 2025
Missions: The "Pimp My Ride" mission now shows a tip if you can achieve a higher reward by changing your vehicle's mods.
31st January 2025
Missions: The "Pimp My Ride" mission now requires a modded vehicle, rather than a tuned vehicle. The maximum payout remains the same. The selected vehicle mods can be changed from the Missions screen and you can view the Mission outcome before completing it.
Vehicles: Tuning has been removed, replaced with Vehicle Mods introduced in Round 39.
Accolades: The "Mechanic" Accolade now requires earning a certain number of Mod Coins by scrapping vehicles, rather than tuning a certain number of vehicles.
Items: Removed junk items Bobble Hat, Bucket Hat, Bicycle Helmet, Gloves, Handheld Games Console, Roller Skates, Jogging Pants, Notepad, Smart Speaker, Sweater. The long-term goal is for all items to have a purpose.
Credit Store: The limit on daily Bulk Bullet purchases has increased from 4 to 5.
Vehicles: Mods no longer reduce a vehicle's cargo.